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The EAGGA algorithm is a model-agnostic framework designed to jointly optimize the predictive performance and interpretability of supervised machine learning models for tabular data. This algorithm incorporates three key measures of interpretability: feature sparsity, interaction sparsity of features, and sparsity of non-monotone feature effects.

By formulating the hyperparameter optimization process of a machine learning algorithm as a multi-objective optimization problem, EAGGA enables the generation of diverse models that strike a balance between high performance and interpretability within a single optimization run. Efficient optimization is achieved by expanding the search space of the learning algorithm through the inclusion of feature selection, interaction, and monotonicity constraints in the hyperparameter search which are represented in the form of a groupstructure.

The core concept behind EAGGA lies in identifying the Pareto optimal set of groups of selected features that can interact within a model, along with determining their optimal monotonicity constraints and the optimal hyperparameters of the learning algorithm itself.

This vignette is a gentle introduction to the core functionality of the eagga package. For more details on the algorithm itself, please see Schneider, Bischl, and Thomas (2023). Note that the eagga package heavily builds upon the mlr3 ecosystem. If you are not familiar with it, we highly recommend to make yourself familiar with it, by for example reading the following book:

As a final comment: In the following, we will write EAGGA to refer to the algorithm, whereas eagga will refer to the software implementation, i.e., the R package this vignette is introducing.

Technical Preliminaries

Supported Learners

Although formulated model-agnostic, the current EAGGA implementation currently only supports XGBoost learners (mlr3learners::LearnerClassifXgboost or mlr3learners::LearnerRegrXgboost). Note that the XGBoost "booster" must be set to "gbtree".

Supported Tasks

eagga currently can be used for binary classification and regression tasks. This might change in the near future to also include multi-class classification tasks but depends on the concrete {feature,interaction,monotonicity}.detectors used within eagga and whether they support multi-class classification. Moreover, feature types currently must be integer or numeric (also due to the usage of detectors but anyways required by XGBoost). Although categorical features can in principle be one-hot or impact encoded, e.g., via mlr3pipelines by using a suitable mlr3pipelines::PipeOp and wrapping the pipeop + learner in a mlr3pipelines::GraphLearner, the current EAGGA implementation does not support such an encoding. This behavior might change in the near future. If your use case includes categorical features or multi-class classification tasks, please open an issue so that we are aware of it and can work on implementing proper support with higher priority.

Building Blocks of EAGGA

As outlined in the paper, the basic building blocks of EAGGA are a learner with a hyperparameter search space, a tabular machine learning task, a resampling method and a performance metric.

Learner and Search Space

The learner must support the specification of feature selection as well as interaction and monotonicity constraints of features. Currently only XGBoost learners (mlr3learners::LearnerClassifXgboost or mlr3learners::LearnerRegrXgboost) are supported.

Feature selection is handled via mlr3pipelines making use of mlr3pipelines::PipeOpSelect. EAGGA further makes use of so-called {feature,interaction,monotonicity}.detectors. For example, the eagga::MonotonicityDetector is used to detect the sign of a feature if it should be constrained to have a monotone effect on the target. To apply such a sign correction, the learner must be configured accordingly, this is handled via mlr3pipelines::PipeOpColApply which will be configured accordingly during optimization. Finally, to make sure nothing weird happens during optimization, features are always sorted alphabetically in the internal data representation via eagga::PipeOpSortFeatures.

A suitable learner therefore combines all these pipeops and the learner itself in the form of a mlr3pipelines::GraphLearner and will look like the following (assuming classification):

#> Loading required package: mlr3tuning
#> Loading required package: paradox


learner = as_learner(po("colapply") %>>% po("select") %>>% po("sortfeatures") %>>% lrn("classif.xgboost"))
learner$param_set$values$classif.xgboost.booster = "gbtree"
learner$param_set$values$colapply.applicator = function(x) - x

Note that we have to set the "classif.xgboost.booster" hyperparameter to "gbtree". Moreover, the function to apply via mlr3pipelines::PipeOpColApply must be set to function(x) - x (which is responsible for changing the sign of features after having detected the necessity of such a swap via using a monotonicity detector as described above).

Users can customize this pipeline building the graph learner but must adhere to the basic structure (colapply --> select --> sortfeatures --> [custom user block] --> learner).

The search space defines the hyperparameter search space that should be optimized over. An example looks like the following:

search_space = ps(
  classif.xgboost.nrounds = p_dbl(lower = log(1), upper = log(500), tags = c("int", "log"),
    trafo = function(x) as.integer(round(exp(x))), default = log(50)),
  classif.xgboost.eta = p_dbl(lower = log(1e-4), upper = log(1), tags = "log",
    trafo = function(x) exp(x), default = log(0.3)),
  classif.xgboost.gamma = p_dbl(lower = log(1e-4), upper = log(7), tags = "log",
    trafo = function(x) exp(x), default = log(1e-4)),
  classif.xgboost.lambda = p_dbl(lower = log(1e-4), upper = log(1000), tags = "log",
    trafo = function(x) exp(x), default = log(1)),
  classif.xgboost.alpha = p_dbl(lower = log(1e-4), upper = log(1000), tags = "log",
    trafo = function(x) exp(x), default = log(1e-4)),
  classif.xgboost.subsample = p_dbl(lower = 0.1, upper = 1, default = 1),
  classif.xgboost.max_depth = p_int(lower = 1, upper = 20, default = 6),
  classif.xgboost.min_child_weight = p_dbl(lower = log(1), upper = log(150), tags = "log",
    trafo = function(x) exp(x), default = log(exp(1))),
  classif.xgboost.colsample_bytree = p_dbl(lower = 0.01, upper = 1, default = 1),
  classif.xgboost.colsample_bylevel = p_dbl(lower = 0.01, upper = 1, default = 1),
  select.selector = p_uty(),  # must be part of the search space
  classif.xgboost.interaction_constraints = p_uty(),  # must be part of the search space
  classif.xgboost.monotone_constraints = p_uty()  # must be part of the search space

This search space specifies that we tuner over nrounds, eta, gamma, lambda, alpha, subsample, max_depth, min_child_weight, colsample_bytree and colsample_by_level which are standard hyperparameters of XGBoost (for an explanation and description, see e.g., ?xgboost or Note that in general it is better to set the upper bound of nrounds higher (e.g., around log(5000) and the default to log(500) but we use less boosting rounds to speed up the following examples.

Additionally, we must specify that we also tune over the feature selector and interaction_constraints and monotone_constraints (we specify these as paradox::ParamUty hyperparameters because they are not directly tunable in a standard way. However, we need to include them into the search space as eagga must be able to pass such constraints based on so-called group structures to the learner.


The task is usually supplied by the user. Here we will use the following toy task for illustrative purposes:

generate_task = function(n) {
  x1 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 3)
  x2 = rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)
  x3 = rnorm(n)
  x4 = runif(n, min = -1, max = 1)
  x5 = rnorm(n)
  y = cos(x1) + 0.1 * x2 + 1.5 * x3 + 0.1 * x4 + x3 * x4
  y = y - mean(y) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)
  label = rep("0", n)
  label[y > 0.5] = "1"
  label = as.factor(label)
  dat = data.table(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, x3 = x3, x4 = x4, x5 = x5, label = label)
  task = TaskClassif$new("example", backend = dat, target = "label", positive = "1")
task = generate_task(1000)

In this task, the label is strongly influenced by the features "x1" and "x3", whereas "x2" and "x4" have smaller influence and "x5" is not used at all. "x1" does have a monotone decreasing effect on the probability of predicting a label of "1", whereas "x2", "x3" and "x4" all have varying linear (monotone increasing) effects on the probability of predicting a label of "1". Moreover, features "x3" and "x4" show a simple interaction.


You can use any resampling supported my mlr3. Here we will use three-fold cross-validation:

resampling = rsmp("cv", folds = 3)

Performance Measure (and Interpretability Measures)

You can use any performance measure supported by mlr3. Here we will use the classification error:

performance_measure = msr("classif.ce")

As EAGGA jointly optimizes for performance and interpretability, we also need to pass the interpretability measures (NF, NI and NNM in the paper): the relative number of features used by the model, the relative number of (pariwise) interactions of features in the model and the relative number of non-monotone feature effects.

These measures are implemented via so-called proxy measures (proxy because they actually do not work like standard mlr3 measures and do not operate on a mlr3::Prediction object but rather are always hard coded to a value of zero but updated and computed within the actual optimization process).

For details, see eagga::MeasureSelectedFeaturesProxy, eagga::MeasureSelectedInteractionsProxy and eagga::MeasureSelectedNonMonotoneProxy.

Again, note that these measures do not do anything meaningful except for when being used in combination with eagga.

measures = list(performance_measure, msr("selected_features_proxy"), msr("selected_interactions_proxy"), msr("selected_non_monotone_proxy"))

Tuning with TunerEAGGA

As we have introduced all building blocks, we can now use EAGGA to jointly optimize for performance and interpretability. This works by constructing a mlr3tuning::TuningInstanceMultiCrit and a eagga::TunerEAGGA.

instance = TuningInstanceMultiCrit$new(
  task = task,
  learner = learner,
  resampling = resampling, 
  measures = measures,
  terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 30),
  search_space = search_space

By setting terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 30) we specify that termination of the tuning process should occur after having evaluated 30 configurations. This is sufficient for illustrative purposes here but should be set much higher in practice. Termination can also be specified via other terminators, see, e.g., ?mlr_terminators

We now construct the tuner. For everything to smoothly work together, we have to explicitly tell the tuner the pipeop id of the learner within the graph learner via learner_id. Moreover, we have to specify the parameter id of the interaction constraint and monotonicity constraint hyperparameters via interaction_id and monotone_id. We can further specify the population size via mu and the offspring size via lambda. Here we set them to mu = 10 and lambda = 2 for illustrative purposes (usually they should be set much higher; a good starting point can be mu = 100 and lambda = 10). Furthermore we can specify seed_calculate_proxy_measures to seed the model fitting process of configurations tried during optimization on the task to be able to fully reproduce models resulting in certain NF, NI, and NNM values found during optimization. For more details, see the section on reconstructing models below.

tuner = tnr("eagga",
  learner_id = "classif.xgboost",
  select_id = "select.selector",
  interaction_id = "classif.xgboost.interaction_constraints",
  monotone_id = "classif.xgboost.monotone_constraints",
  mu = 10,
  lambda = 2,
  seed_calculate_proxy_measures = 1

We can now start the optimization process:

#>     classif.xgboost.nrounds classif.xgboost.eta classif.xgboost.gamma
#>  1:                4.579827          -0.1562697             -7.809646
#>  2:                3.221994          -1.4195552             -7.715113
#>  3:                3.559853          -0.1725791             -9.210340
#>  4:                3.559853          -0.1725791             -9.210340
#>  5:                3.912023          -1.2039728             -9.210340
#>  6:                4.579827          -0.1562697             -7.809646
#>  7:                4.579827          -0.1562697             -7.809646
#>  8:                3.303761          -1.3299372             -8.878691
#>  9:                3.559853          -0.1562697             -7.809646
#> 10:                4.579827          -0.1725791             -9.210340
#> 11:                3.559853          -0.1725791             -9.210340
#> 12:                3.559853          -0.1725791             -9.210340
#> 13:                3.303761          -1.3299372             -8.878691
#> 14:                3.221994          -1.4195552             -7.715113
#> 15:                3.221994          -1.4195552             -7.715113
#> 16:                3.912023          -1.2039728             -9.210340
#> 17:                3.912023          -1.2039728             -9.210340
#>     classif.xgboost.lambda classif.xgboost.alpha classif.xgboost.subsample
#>  1:              -3.167346             -9.210340                 1.0000000
#>  2:               3.822008             -9.210340                 0.9988563
#>  3:               2.075947             -8.710336                 0.9207827
#>  4:               2.075947             -8.710336                 0.9207827
#>  5:               0.000000             -9.210340                 1.0000000
#>  6:              -3.167346             -9.210340                 0.9988563
#>  7:              -3.167346             -9.210340                 1.0000000
#>  8:              -1.355523             -7.639524                 1.0000000
#>  9:               2.151026             -9.210340                 0.9207827
#> 10:              -3.167346             -8.710336                 0.9988563
#> 11:               2.075947             -8.710336                 0.9207827
#> 12:               2.075947             -8.710336                 0.9207827
#> 13:              -1.355523             -7.639524                 1.0000000
#> 14:               3.822008             -9.210340                 0.9988563
#> 15:               5.428247             -9.210340                 1.0000000
#> 16:               0.000000             -9.210340                 1.0000000
#> 17:               0.000000             -9.210340                 1.0000000
#>     classif.xgboost.max_depth classif.xgboost.min_child_weight
#>  1:                         4                        1.5855743
#>  2:                         8                        0.4933049
#>  3:                         5                        0.9270958
#>  4:                         5                        0.9270958
#>  5:                         6                        1.0000000
#>  6:                         8                        1.5855743
#>  7:                         4                        1.5855743
#>  8:                         6                        0.8530992
#>  9:                         9                        0.9270958
#> 10:                         5                        1.5855743
#> 11:                         5                        0.9270958
#> 12:                         5                        0.9270958
#> 13:                         6                        0.8530992
#> 14:                         8                        0.4933049
#> 15:                         4                        0.4933049
#> 16:                         6                        1.0000000
#> 17:                         6                        1.0000000
#>     classif.xgboost.colsample_bytree classif.xgboost.colsample_bylevel
#>  1:                        1.0000000                         1.0000000
#>  2:                        0.9711652                         0.9816349
#>  3:                        0.8474910                         0.8997374
#>  4:                        0.8474910                         0.8997374
#>  5:                        1.0000000                         1.0000000
#>  6:                        1.0000000                         0.9816349
#>  7:                        1.0000000                         0.9816349
#>  8:                        1.0000000                         0.9875292
#>  9:                        1.0000000                         0.8997374
#> 10:                        0.8474910                         0.9816349
#> 11:                        0.8474910                         0.8997374
#> 12:                        0.8474910                         0.8997374
#> 13:                        1.0000000                         0.9875292
#> 14:                        0.9711652                         0.9816349
#> 15:                        0.9711652                         1.0000000
#> 16:                        1.0000000                         1.0000000
#> 17:                        1.0000000                         1.0000000
#>     select.selector classif.xgboost.interaction_constraints
#>  1:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>  2:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>  3:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>  4:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>  5:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>  6:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>  7:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>  8:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>  9:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#> 10:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#> 11:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#> 12:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#> 13:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[2]>
#> 14:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[2]>
#> 15:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#> 16:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#> 17:   <Selector[1]>                               <list[1]>
#>     classif.xgboost.monotone_constraints learner_param_vals   x_domain
#>  1:                                  1,1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>  2:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>  3:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>  4:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>  5:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>  6:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>  7:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>  8:                                1,1,1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>  9:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#> 10:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#> 11:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#> 12:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#> 13:                                1,1,0         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#> 14:                                  1,1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#> 15:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#> 16:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#> 17:                                    1         <list[19]> <list[13]>
#>     classif.ce selected_features_proxy selected_interactions_proxy
#>  1: 0.06500213                     0.4                         0.1
#>  2: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#>  3: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#>  4: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#>  5: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#>  6: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#>  7: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#>  8: 0.02801005                     0.6                         0.3
#>  9: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#> 10: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#> 11: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#> 12: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#> 13: 0.06400712                     0.6                         0.1
#> 14: 0.07600115                     0.4                         0.0
#> 15: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#> 16: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#> 17: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#>     selected_non_monotone_proxy
#>  1:                         0.0
#>  2:                         0.0
#>  3:                         0.0
#>  4:                         0.0
#>  5:                         0.0
#>  6:                         0.0
#>  7:                         0.0
#>  8:                         0.0
#>  9:                         0.0
#> 10:                         0.0
#> 11:                         0.0
#> 12:                         0.0
#> 13:                         0.2
#> 14:                         0.0
#> 15:                         0.0
#> 16:                         0.0
#> 17:                         0.0

We can then inspect the Pareto front:

measure_ids = c("classif.ce",
front = unique(instance$archive$best()[, measure_ids, with = FALSE])
setorderv(front, cols = "classif.ce")
#>    classif.ce selected_features_proxy selected_interactions_proxy
#> 1: 0.02801005                     0.6                         0.3
#> 2: 0.06400712                     0.6                         0.1
#> 3: 0.06500213                     0.4                         0.1
#> 4: 0.07600115                     0.4                         0.0
#> 5: 0.16600732                     0.2                         0.0
#>    selected_non_monotone_proxy
#> 1:                         0.0
#> 2:                         0.2
#> 3:                         0.0
#> 4:                         0.0
#> 5:                         0.0

We observe that we found diverse models trading off performance and interpretability to varying degree. We can further inspect the group structure of each model (for more details on the eagga::GroupStructure class, see the technical details section below):

instance$archive$best()[8, ]$groupstructure[[1]]$get_groups()
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "x2" "x5"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "x1" "x3" "x4"

We see that in this model, features "x2" and "x5" are not used (as they are in the first, “unselected” group of features), whereas "x1", "x3" and "x4" are allowed to interact (as they are in the second group, grouped together).


instance$archive$best()[8, ]$groupstructure[[1]]$monotone_features
#>    feature monotonicity
#> 1:      x1            1
#> 2:      x2           NA
#> 3:      x3            1
#> 4:      x4            1
#> 5:      x5           NA

tells us that "x1", "x3" and "x4" are constrained to have a monotone (increasing) effect on the feature. But wait, didn’t we say that in our toy task, "x1" has a monotone decreasing effect on the target? Yes, but: As our eagga::MonotonicityDetector within EAGGA detected "x1" to have a monotone decreasing effect (if enforced) and we were able to swap the sign of the feature itself to then enforce a monotone increasing effect (and in EAGGA we only want to differentiate between unconstrained or monotone increasing feature effects):

#> [1] -1
#> selector_name("x1")

Note: As this process of swapping the sign of features is performed during optimization, you cannot simply use the learner you passed to the instance afterwards to train your learner with a given hyperparameter configuration and group structure. Instead, you should use the learner within the objective of the instance which was updated in place: instance$objective$learner. To use a hyperparameter configuration and group structure together with this learner, you can then do the following. Assume we want to use the eighth configuration of the Pareto set, then we can simply specify the hyperparameter values as follows:

hpc = instance$archive$best()[8, "x_domain"][[1]][[1]]
learner = instance$objective$learner
learner$param_set$values = insert_named(learner$param_set$values, hpc)

However, as EAGGA uses a feedback loop during optimization to update the feature selection, feature interaction and monotonicity constraints based on the actual structures found in the model (tightening the upper bound of the group structure passed to the learner to fit the model and updating this original group structure post hoc), some more additional steps are needed to fully reconstruct a model found during optimization.

In essence, this involves re-creating the feature selection, feature interaction and monotonicity constraints from the original group structure that was used to fit the model (prior to that group structure being updated by the feedback loop):

groupstructure_orig = instance$archive$best()[8, "groupstructure_orig"][[1]][[1]]
hpc$select.selector = groupstructure_orig$create_selector()
hpc$classif.xgboost.interaction_constraints = groupstructure_orig$create_interaction_constraints()
hpc$classif.xgboost.monotone_constraints = groupstructure_orig$create_monotonicity_constraints()
learner$param_set$values = insert_named(learner$param_set$values, hpc)

To make this easier, the following section describes a more automated way.

Deciding on a Model and Reconstructing it

Once we have decided on a model (based on a non-dominated hyperparameter configuration and group structure) we prefer, we can “reconstruct” it. To do so, we use the eagga::reconstruct_eagga_model function and pass the tuning instance, the tuner and the uhash of the model we want to “reconstruct” as logged in the archive:

uhash = instance$archive$best()$uhash[8]
model = reconstruct_eagga_model(instance, tuner = tuner, model_uhash = uhash)

We can then use this model as any other trained learner, for example, if we want to predict on new data:

task_test = generate_task(10000)
#> classif.ce 
#>     0.0341

In general, note that the performance estimates obtained during optimization via a resampling method can be biased estimates of the performance of the final model, as we have based our decision making process on these performance estimate (this is in essence the same problem as in single objective hyperparameter optimization and why we should use nested resampling to get an unbiased estimate of the performance of the final model). Ideally, you do have access to some unseen test data as illustrated above.

Inspecting Models with the iml Package

As mlr3 nicely interplays with the iml package, we can easily use post-hoc interpretable ML techniques to gain some more insights into a model of our choice. For example, we can look at ALE plots of each feature:

model$predict_type = "prob"
predictor = Predictor$new(model,
  data = task$data(cols = task$feature_names),
  y = task$data(cols = task$target_names)[[1]])
effect_x2 = FeatureEffect$new(predictor, feature = "x2")

As expected the ALE plot shows us that feature "x2 has no effect on the target as it cannot be used by the model:

#> selector_name(c("x1", "x3", "x4"))

Similarly, we can look at other featues:

effect_x3 = FeatureEffect$new(predictor, feature = "x3")

We know that feature "x3" can be used by the model and is constrained to have a monotone increasing effect on the target - which is also confirmed by the ALE plot. However, recall that our monotonicity detector during optimization detected that "x3" actually should have a monotone decreasing effect on the target and to achieve a monotone increasing effect we switched the sign of the feature. This is “hidden” in the ALE plot, i..e, it looks as if "x3" indeed has a monotone increasing feature effect on predicting the positive class label "1" - but the actual monotonicity direction is a decreasing one as we have swapped the sign of the feature (so be careful when interpreting the monotonicity of feature effects, if signs have been swapped during optimization).

#> selector_name("x1")
#> function(x) - x
#> <bytecode: 0x56157c7c9028>

Technical Details

This section is work in progress and will explain technical details of the eagga::TunerEAGGA, eagga::Probs, eagga::InteractionDetector, eagga::MonotonicityDetector and eagga::GroupStructure classes. Note that the feature detector is currently implemented within eagga::TunerEAGGA directly and not exposed as a standalone class but this might change in the near future. The current feature detector is simply based on a mlr3filters::FilterInformationGain.


Schneider, Lennart, Bernd Bischl, and Janek Thomas. 2023. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Performance and Interpretability of Tabular Supervised Machine Learning Models.” In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 538–47. GECCO ’23.